Group Members

FEPSAC is partly composed of group members, meaning societies or organisations which support the aim of FEPSAC and which wish to develop sport psychology.

In order to become a full FEPSAC group member, the societies must have at least ten members.

Each full member is represented in the General Assembly by two delegates who have five votes each.

More than one group member of the same country is acceptable, as are groups with members from more than one country.

The following groups are currently registered with FEPSAC and have paid their membership fees at least for 2019:

Austria: Österreichisches Bundesnetzwerk Sportpsychologie (ÖBS)

Belgium: Vlaamse Verenigung Sport Psychologie (VVSP)

Croatia: Hrvatsko Psihološko Društvo – Sekcija za psihologiju sporta

Czech Republic: Asociace psychologů sportu ČR, z.s. (APS)

Denmark: Dansk Idrætspsykologisk Forum (DIFO)

European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology (ENYSSP)

Finland: Suomen urheilupsykologinen yhdistys (SUPY)

France: Société Française de Psychologie du Sport  (SFPS)

France: Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance

Germany: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie in Deutschland e.V. (ASP)


Ireland: Psychological Society of Ireland – Division of Sport, Exercise and Performance

Italy: Associazione Italiana di Psicologia dello Sport e dell’Esercizio (AIPS)

Poland: Sekcja Psychologii Sportu Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego

Portugal: Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto (SPPD)

Slovakia: Slovenská asociácia športovej psychológie (SAŠP)

Slovenia: Društvo psihologov Slovenije (DPS) – Sekcija za psihologijo športa (DPS)

Spain: Associació Catalana de Psicologia de l’Esport (ACPE)

Spain: Federación Española de Psicología del Deporte (FEPD)

Sweden: Svensk Idrottpsykologisk Förening (SIPF)

Switzerland: Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (SASP)

The Netherlands: Vereniging voor SportPsychologie in Nederland (VSPN)

Turkey: Egzersiz ve Spor Psikolojisi Derneği 

United Kingdom: Association of Applied Performance Psychology (AAPP)

United Kingdom: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

United Kingdom: British Psychological Society – Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology