2.4 Culturally competent practice in sport and exercise psychology


FEPSAC is a European organization that offers a European-wide certification. It is therefore important to ensure that applicants can document a European component in their education, specialisation and practice, as well as their commitment to FEPSAC’s position stand on culturally competent practice in Sport and Exercise psychology. 


Applicants are invited to: 

A) Document at least 3 international elements from any of the examples below to their education, specialisation, and/or applied practice: 

  • Participation in European-facing activities such as European conferences, workshops, events, or forums;
  • Language skills other than native language;
  • Period of educational or professional activity abroad for at least 4 months;
  • Professional activity with stakeholders from different countries and cultures.

B) Read and sign their commitment to FEPSAC’s position stand on culturally competent practice in Sport and Exercise psychology. 


  1. Statement detailing European educational elements as well as copies of relevant documents and participation certificates which document it; 
  2. Signed position stand on culturally competent practice in Sport and Exercise psychology.