2.5 Ethics


Due to sport psychology practitioners’ specialised knowledge and the hypothetical potential for harm, they need to act responsibly and ethically when providing sport psychology services. Ethical principles are intended to ensure the dignity and welfare of all groups, organisations and individuals with whom practitioners may interact and provide professional services to. The application of the ethical principles may vary across contexts (i.e., country, organization and/or professional role), and should be used in conjunction with national organizations codes of ethics if such exist. 

It is the responsibility of each practitioner to aspire towards the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct and practice. It is expected that practitioners will act in accordance and will not violate the values and rules described in the ethical principles, as well as the values and norms of their culture. 


Applicants are requested to: 

A) Read and sign their commitment to FEPSAC’s position stand on ethical principles of the European sport psychology Federation. 


Signed position stand on ethical principles of the European sport psychology Federation.