Position statements

The main aim of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) is to promote scientific work in the field of sports psychology. In addition, the Managing Council of FEPSAC, consisting of members from nine different countries, has decided to publish position statements on topical and important questions. The recommendations in the position statements represent the opinion of FEPSAC and are based on scientific knowledge.

The FEPSAC position statements can be copied freely. Please give credit to FEPSAC by citing the correct internet address

It is the hope of the Managing Council of FEPSAC that the position statements will contribute to highlighting different topics, changing attitudes, increasing knowledge, and helping coaches. The overall aim is to promote a sound and professional performance in sport activities.

  1. Definition of sport psychology, 1995
  2. Children in sport, 1995
  3. Sports career transitions, 1997
  4. Gender and sports participation, 1998
  5. Sports career termination, 1999
  6. Sexual exploitation in sport, 2002
  7. Doping and substance abuse in competitive sport, 2003
  8. Quality of applied sport psychology services, 2006
  9. Ethical Principles, 2011 

Supplementary Material for Position Statement #9: Ethical Checklist

10 Culturally competent practice in sport and exercise psychology, 2018

11 Mental health disorders in elite athletes and models of service provision, published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2018

12 Joint position stand of the ISSP, FEPSAC, ASPASP, and AASP on professional accreditation, published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2018