Psychology for Physical Educators

Psychology for Physical Educators, Second Edition, was written by a team of 29 European sport psychology and physical education experts from seven countries. It presents readers with a broad overview of psychology as it applies to physical education.

The book is structured around common curriculum goals identified by the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC): fitness, health, safety, psychomotor competence, positive self-perception, and social development. The text is divided into four parts:

• Part I: Promotion of Lifelong Health and Fitness
• Part II: Promotion of Social Skills for Life
• Part III: Promotion of Self-Concept and Cognitive Skills
• Part IV: Promotion of Motor Skills for Life

Editors are Jarmo Liukkonen, Yves Vanden Auweele, Beatrix Vereijken, Dorothee Alfermann and Yiannis Theodorakis.