Permanent Internship Positions

Anne-Marie Elbe: Leipzig University
Markus Raab: German Sport University Cologne
Nadja Schott: University of Stuttgart
Nanna Notthoff: Leipzig University
Oliver Stoll: Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Sonia Lippke/ Amanda Whittal: Jacobs University Bremen (Project IMPACCT)
Sonia Lippke/ Amanda Whittal: Jacobs University Bremen (Project SPIRO)
Sonia LIppke/ Natalia Naida: Jacobs University Bremen (Project OHP)
Sonia Lippke/ Tiara Ratz: Jacobs University Bremen (Project PROMOTE)
Miquel Torregrossa/ Yago Ramis: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
(only September-December & February-May)
If you are interested in offering or taking an internship please fill the form below and submit it to If you found an internship on the FEPSAC website that interests you, please complete your section on the form and send it directly to the supervisor/supervisee as well as to