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The idea of a European Federation of Sport Psychology was born on December 4th, 1968 on the occasion of the first European Congress of Sport Psychology in Varna (Bulgaria). The European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC-Fédération Européenne de Psychologie des Sports et des Activités Corporelles) was founded by its first General Assembly held on the occasion of the second European Congress of Sport Psychology in Vittel (France) on June 4th, 1969.

The statutes were adopted by letter in 1970. Additions and changes to the statutes have been made at the extraordinary General Assembly in 1977 (Prague), and at the General Assemblies 1979 (Varna), 1991 (Cologne), 1999 (Prague) and 2003 (Copenhagen). The following statutes were adopted by the General Assembly in 2011 (Madeira). The current version of FEPSAC statutes is available here.

FEPSAC was registered as an international non profit organization (INPA) with seat in Belgium in 2015.

First 50 years of FEPSAC in numbers:

  • 15 European congresses of sport psychology were held in 10 different countries,
  • 57 representatives of 28 FEPSAC group members served in its Managing councils,
  • FEPSAC was led by 9 presidents,
  • MC meetings were held in 62 European and 3 non-European cities.

FEPSAC 50th anniversary: Poster exhibition created by Roland Seiler (2019)


FEPSAC 40th anniversary: Poster exhibition by Roland Seiler download here