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Hosting FEPSAC Congress

Would you like to host the next European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology?

Important dates for hosting the FEPSAC Congress 2028:

  • Before March, 2024: Submission of a letter to a) confirm the willingness to organize the congress, b) the acceptance of the requirements, c) a summarized version of the information to be provided in the portfolio.

  • Before September, 2024: Submission of a) a fully detailed portfolio and b) a letter by the President of the society acknowledging the full and continued support of the society for the candidature.

More information regarding the application for congress 2028 canbe found here

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

Note that at the General Assembly 2017 it was decided to change to a bi-annual FEPSAC Congress as of 2022. The reason for this is the increased need for European Sport Psychologists to meet more frequently than every four years. A Congress consists of minimum (a) a five, full-day programme and (b) an opening ceremony, a closing ceremony, an opening reception, a closing banquet, at least five keynote presentations, parallel sessions (oral and poster presentations), roundtables and/or workshops, and one or more pre-/post-congress workshops.

In order to be a candidate for hosting the FEPSAC European Sport Psychology Congress, your society needs to be up-to-date with FEPSAC group member membership fee at the moment of submission of the candidature.