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We are pleased to announce a new keynote speaker for Padova 2022 FEPSAC Congress: Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre

Dr. Tadhg E. MacIntyre is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Psychology at Maynooth University, Ireland. He is course director of a new graduate program in environmental psychology and coordinates the H2020 project GOGREEN ROUTES (2020-2024) which promotes urban health across six European cities. He studied psychology at University College Dublin, graduating from a BA in 1993, and subsequently, with a Masters’ degree (first class honors) in 1996. Supervised by the late Professor Aidan Moran, he subsequently graduated with a PhD on the topic of motor cognition. A consultant for over 15 years, most recently he was the sport psychologist for Munster rugby (2014-2016). Currently, he is chairperson for the Sport Ireland Institute professional accreditation process. He supervises research on resilience in sport and organizational settings, mental health stigma in sport, and most notably, transdisciplinary research activity on nature-based interventions. He recently co-edited Physical Activity in Natural Settings: Green Exercise and Blue Mind which includes scientific analyses, to case studies in green and blue exercise. He is national lead for the Be Like an Athlete Erasmus + Sport project (2019-2022). He is an Associate Editor of the top ranked review journal in sport psychology (International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology). In 2016 he edited a special issue on mental health challenges in sport and he is now co-editing a cross-hosted topic for the journal Frontiers on the topic The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Sport: Mental Health Implications on Athletes, Coaches and Support Staff.

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