Next Tuesday 5th of December at 11:00 CET, the FEPSAC Applied and Education team of the Managing Council (Michala Bednarikova, Alexis Ruffault and Alina Gherghisan) will be organizing an online webinar on professional certification to present the main characteristics and requirements of the SASP-FEPSAC certification.
Professional certification is a crucial element to the establishment, legitimization, and reputation of a profession. The FEPSAC Managing Council developed certification guidelines for specialists in applied sport psychology (SASP-FEPSAC), establishing a certification process to distinguish these professionals from others in the marketplace (e.g., performance enhancement consultant, mental skills trainer, mental coach). The goal of such an initiative is to define the minimum standards that should be met by individuals in order to qualify for independent practice in the field of applied sport psychology.
This webinar aims to explain to everyone why do we have each criterion, and how nice and easy it is to gather all the required documents to apply for the certification (up to 30 min). The presentation will be followed by a long Questions & Answers session to help everyone attending to understand the process (up to 30 min).