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FEPSAC is the European Federation of Sport Psychology. The original name derives from its French denomination “Fédération Européenne de Psychologie des Sports et des Activités Corporelles”. FEPSAC is an International non-profit Association aiming to promote scientific, educational and professional work in sport psychology, disseminate information and promote co-operation in sport psychology and maintain social and scientific relations between persons and groups working in sport psychology, mainly in Europe, and to encourage young European scientists and practitioners in sport psychology.

FEPSAC statutes, updated in 2024, can be accessed here


FEPSAC, funded in 1969, is the umbrella federation for all European associations in sport psychology.

Managing Council

The Managing Council, the executive board of FEPSAC, is elected and supervised by the General Assembly.

Group Members

Regional, national and international associations are the core of FEPSAC and benefit from its orientation towards networking.

Honorary Members

Notable contributors to Sport Psychology are acknowledged by FEPSAC by receiving
the honorary membership