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FEPSAC has the ambition to be an active federation that supports the development of sport psychology in Europe. Among it’s regular activities FEPSAC: 

  • organizes congresses
  • organizes courses
  • publishes position statements
  • takes inititiative for the publication of books
  • supports students and young specialists in sport psychology 

Position Statements

The FEPSAC position statements can be copied freely. Please give credit to FEPSAC by citing the correct internet address.

PSE Journal

For many years FEPSAC has been engaged in publishing different products. The main publication of FEPSAC is the journal “Psychology of Sport and Exercise“.

Research Grants

After having obtained the EU legal status as an International Non-Profit Organization (INPA) in 2015, FEPSAC is now eligible to be a partner in funding bids.


FEPSAC presents awards during the FEPSAC Congress every four years.


Fepsac supports the provision of paid and unpaid temporary internship as a means to increase mobility and improve the quality and breadth of the educational and professional experience within Europe.